Dan G. Siposan, Adalbert Lukacs. Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine & Surgery. August 1, 2000, 18(4): 185-195. doi:10.1089/10445470050144038. Dan G. Siposan Doctoral candidate Technical Military Academy, Bucharest, Romania
Adalbert Lukacs Doctoral candidate Center of Transfusion Hematology of the Army, Bucharest, Romania
Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the in vitro effects of low-level laser radiation (LLLR) on some rheological factors of the human blood, such as complete blood count (CBC) parameters and blood sedimentation rate (BSR). We were mainly concerned with the alterations caused by LLLR action on blood cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes) of fresh blood obtained from apparently healthy adult patients. We used low doses ranging between 0.80 J�cm-3 and 4.40 J�cm-3, at the very low-power densities of the laser radiation, so as not to damage the cell structure and not to alter in an undesired manner their functions.
Methods: Blood samples were taken from 22 volunteers. Where health problems existed, they were indicated for each case. The parameters mentioned above were measured before (control samples) and after irradiation. A He-Ne laser, operating in a continuous wave, as a radiation source (632.8 nm, 1 mW, mean power density incident on blood samples around 30 mW cm-2, beam spot diameter 2 mm) was used. The measurements were performed immediately after irradiation. Only the erythrocyte complex was irradiated. EDTA anticoagulant was used. Results: The measurements using a computerized hemoanalyzer type SERONO showed significant differences between control and irradiated blood samples concerning the following parameters: RBC (in 22% of cases), HGB (47.3%), HCT (84.2%), RDW (11%), PLT (5.26%), MPV (33.3%), WBC (5.26%), MONO (26.3%), and GRAN (63.15%). In the case of BSR (44%), the significant differences were noticed especially in the cases of patients suffering from some acute or chronic diseases. No significant differences were noticed in the cases of MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, and LYMPH.
Conclusions: This study has shown that LLLR, even though used at low doses and low power densities, produced some changes of the rheological factors of the blood, as follows: a revitalizing and regenerating effect on mitosis stimulation and a nondamaging and biostimulating effect on the cell membrane (by keeping unmodified MCV, MCH, and MCHC). In 3 cases out of 22, hemolysis (complete or partially) occurred, but we are not yet sure whether this was caused by laser exposure or by certain environmental physical factors
The following is a summary of some of the clinical studies that were conducted using cold laser to treat blood trauma. These studies are presented here to demonstrate the wide uses of a cold lasers in the treatment of different medical conditions.
Koshelev VN, Chalyk IuV.
Khirurgiia (Mosk). 1998;(5):40-2.
The application of intravascular laser irradiation of the blood (ILIB) in combined postoperative intensive care in 28 patients with traumatic injuries of parenchymal organs and severe intraabdominal bleeding (more than 20% CBV) contributed to substantial improvement of the results of treatment and reduction of complications rate. ILIB boosts functional activity of leucocytes, normalizes the system of hemostasis and antioxidant defense.
Kravchenko-Berezhnaia NR, Moroz VV, Kozhura VL.
The paper provides evidence for that it is expedient to perform multi-stage intravascular low-intensity laser blood radiation in patients with severe mechanical trauma and massive blood loss in the early posttraumatic period. The use of laser radiation at a wavelength of 632.0 nm by inserting a disposable light guide (its end power was 1.5-2.0 mW, and the duration of a session–30 min) as part of complex therapy in this group of patients romotes the increase of plasma albumin transport ability and the general stimulation of natural detoxifixation mechanisms.